

There is a substantial body of research and practice around employability defining what it is, why it is worth our attention and how to promote it.  This page provides references to some of the work and practice in the area.

The Camden offer…
A definition
A set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that make people more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.Knight and Yorke (2006)


Employability in learning and skills
These pages bring together Ofsted’s expert knowledge from across the inspection remits. They include key inspection instruments, latest survey reports and examples of good practice.


Employability skills model
The CBI defines seven ‘high level’ employability skills categories.The links on the schools to business website provide resources to help engage young people.Skills education surveyBusinesses want the education system to better prepare young people with the attitudes and attributes they need to succeed in the world of work. That’s according to this year’s CBI/Pearson Education and Skills survey.Education campaign: Ambition for All in Schools
In its First Steps report, the CBI calls for an overhaul of the school system to deliver for the country as a whole – and says that raising educational attainment could add a percentage point to growth.CBI/Pearson education and skills survey…


ASDAN Employability
The Employability qualifications provide a framework for developing and recognising general employability skills. They are suitable for use with pre-16 and post-16 learners.
Employability related qualifications and units.Measuring Employability Skills
A rapid review to inform development of tools for project evaluation
Rachel Blades, Becky Fauth and Jen GibbEdexcel Workskills…


Impetus-PEF the Young Foundation and the SRU -Nov14
Ready for Work considers how to prepare young people for work and discusses changes in the UK jobs market and the challenges facing young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.LondonMetStaff Guide to Embedding Employability in the Curriculum…STUDIO Schools The CREATE framework…



For further information
Robert Rickard robert.rickard@camden.gov.uk
14-19 Curriculum Consultant
Shazia Chaudhry shazia.chaudhry@camden.gov.uk
Vulnerable Groups
Miriam Hatter miriam.hatter@camden.gov.uk
Careers Education and Guidance